Saturday, October 25, 2008

Adventures of Ghoul Gang

My buddy Mike and I spent Wednesday night writing music for his spooktacular band, The Ghoul Gang.

With Mike on bass, and me on drums and keyboard, we spent the first hour playing with bass lines that sounded halloween-y and spooky and playing with drums and some melody on the keys. After discovering that playing piano and drums at the same time was difficult, we settled on the goal of trying to complete an entire song with just the drums and bass before the night was through.

This is what we came up with.

Needless to say, I had a blast writing it with him. We are gonna try and finish writing a quick second song before halloween and recording both of them for the halloween party. Jamming has to be one of the most fun things to do. There's nothing like creating live music with your friends and having everyone sync together perfectly. With my renewed love for playing music, I hope something cool and fun can spawn from The Ghoul Gang.

I love my drum set. <3

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The link isn't working.